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Saturday, October 5, 2013

Gravity Review

"If you're looking to have six heart attacks in the course of an hour and a half, this is the movie for you."

I just saw Gravity. My brain still hurts. That's pretty much my entire review. In all honesty, this is one of the best movies of 2013 in my opinion. About 5 minutes into the movie we already have parts of the high action trailer occurring, and it doesn't stop there. If you're looking to have six heart attacks in the course of an hour and a half, this is the movie for you. The entire movie is incredibly high action, at some points exceeding the intense trailer's action. In short, this movie is pretty much Sandra Bullock flying around space screaming.

This movie pulls every emotion I've ever had out of me. At one point I was close to tears, at another I was in my friend's lap screaming, and in another I was laughing. This film is layered with a wide array of emotion jerker moments, along with a sense of suspense, stressfulness, and helplessness through out the entire movie. Honestly, watching this movie were the most stressful moments of my entire life ever.

Honestly though, this is a wonderful, strikingly beautiful, tear-jerking, suspenseful, and overall great movie. The only downfall to this movie is the 3D. Throughout almost the entire movie 3D would work incredibly well, but most of the time the feature falls short, adding nothing to the movie. The only points where the 3D stands out is when you can't concentrate on the movie because in layman's terms, you're trying to figure out what the fuck just happened. The 3D aspect is showcased the best in the opening IMAX screen before the movie. But other than that, this is a wonderful movie that I recommend you definitely go see.

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