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Sunday, July 21, 2013

The Conjuring Review

On Friday one of the most hyped horror movies of the year, The Conjuring was released to audiences worldwide.  Was the months worth of the hype really worth it? Find out here.

The Conjuring is a low budget horror film that doesn't rely on digital effects seen in most horror movies today, similar to the Paranormal Activity series. However, in the PA series, where every installment's formula is the same, start out slow, start throwing in minor scares, build up to the final night where everything is a huge clusterf**k of everything happening, The Conjuring immediately starts out with a bang and only continues to build from there. As I said before, The Conjuring doesn't rely on digital effects to garner its scares, nor does it rely too heavily on gore. The film holds multitudes of old school psychological scares, rather than phoned in cheap scares found in many horror movies today.

Overall, most horror films today don't hold a candle to The Conjuring. This film doesn't rely heavily on any gimmicks, can mentally scar you forever in ways many horror movies can't, and honestly, is an incredible movie. While this movie isn't incredibly innovative in the plot lines of horror movies department (it's honestly the same plot as every horror movie) it delivers a huge amount of genuine scares, and I definitely recommend you go see this movie.

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