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Sunday, July 6, 2014

Deliver Us from Evil Review

Over this last week, the new horror thriller Deliver Us from Evil was released to theaters nationwide. Does this film have what it takes to scare up some box office numbers? Find out below!

This film is a primarily story driven thriller, with most scares aimed at coming from realizations and plot twists. However, through out a large portion of film, mainly the first half of the 2 hour picture, the film is really only able to deliver cheap tactics created by horror films before its time, including: The tough cop who doesn't believe that anything paranormal could be happening even with overwhelming evidence of said paranormal occurrences... and the main character seeing things others can't that makes him start to believe. This, coupled with a troubled marriage due to our lead cop having strenuous work hours keeping him away from his family, all deliver few scares as we work our way through the film. However, as we progress through the movie we slowly start to gain momentum scare wise, with more interesting and shocking plot twists, coupled with carefully executed gore moments ramping up the excitement. However, all of these come just a bit too late as we lead into a less than satisfying ending.

Overall, this movie was really just... underwhelming. The plot only manages to scrape through with campy premises delivered previously from horror movies of the past. The film manages to scare up a few shockers, but nothing that'll make you jump out of your seat or throw your popcorn. Basically, if you're looking for a horror movie that won't give you nightmares, with bits of comedy that at some points are better than the scares the movie was designed to bring on, this is a film for you.

I always love interactions with all of you, so make sure to post in the comments below, and I'll see you next time!

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