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Sunday, January 19, 2014

Ride Along Review

On the 17th, the buddy-(kind of) cop comedy Ride Along, was released to theaters nationwide. Can the chemistry between Ice Cube and Kevin Hart win over audiences' hearts? Find out after the jump.

The film starts out strong, with an action sequence, slowly unraveling the plot. After the first scene ends, we immediately jump into the incredibly executed comedy, setting the bar high right from the beginning, all supplied by Kevin Hart. Kevin Hart uses this film to once again display his incredible versatility, proving himself in stand up, TV, and the big screen. Ice Cube outdoes himself once again (as he does with every role), with his decades of film experience behind him allowing him to act as an a great straight man to Hart, which he somehow executes without cracking up. It takes a lot of power to do that, and his veteran acting skills make him one of the few able to manage it..

The movie manages to consistently deliver with the same level of comedy it delivered in the beginning, with only a few patches of the film being laugh free. However, those spots become smaller and fewer as we progress through the movie, leaving us with almost no laugh free moments as we start to near the half way mark.

The film also features a... well an ok plot. While the plot is solid and believable, it's nothing we haven't seen before, and is honestly, pretty bland. However, the movie obviously isn't focused on its plot, and really only uses it as a platform for it's comedic incidents.

Overall, I really enjoyed this movie, and would recommend it to fans of both of these actors, or fans of comedies overall! I look forward to catching the sequel that's already been announced by the well. A bit early perhaps?

Have any of you already seen the film? What's your review? Tell me in the comments below, and I'll see you next time!

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